Youth Leadership and Community Service Opportunities
There is something out there for you!
City’s Volunteer Program
There are a variety of volunteer opportunities within the City which can be accessed through the City’s Volunteer Program. Our City is committed to community participation and engagement and volunteering in a program, for an event or as part of a City Board or Commission is a great way to get involved! Please contact the Volunteer Supervisor at (310) 458-8300 or
Police Activities League
The Police Activities League has a year-round Older Teen Program and a Youth Directors Council for youth ages 14 to 17 years of age, although occasionally younger youth can participate. To participate in this program, teens must become a member of PAL, which is very easy – just complete a short application form. PAL also has many opportunities for community service and volunteer tutoring, even in the summer. PAL youth of all ages can also participate in the year-round Students Run L. A. program, in which youth train for and run in the Los Angeles Marathon. There are opportunities for older youth/teens to assist and work with younger children as well. Anyone interested should call Karen Humphrey at (310) 458-8988.
Community Aquatics Program
The City of Santa Monica Santa Monica Swim Center, located on the Santa Monica College Campus, has many opportunities for young people. There are actually paid jobs for youth as young as age 13 ½ years, generally spring through fall. Youth can become Student Workers, helping out in the locker room, or become Junior Lifeguards – and no experience needed! The Swim Center trains young people to be Junior Lifeguards and Student Workers. Call (310) 458-8700 and ask for Amy Cramer or Evelyn Lim.
City’s Homework Assistance Programs
During the school year, the City invites middle and high school students to help tutor elementary school youth after school and to help them with homework in one of our many Homework Assistance Programs in CREST and the Police Activities League, as well as at Virginia Avenue Park, when it reopens later this year. We have sites all over the City, so wherever you live or go to school in Santa Monica, you can find a Homework Assistance Program to get involved in. Also, teens are also invited, as part of the CREST Afterschool Program, to volunteer to teach an enrichment class to groups of children. This is a great opportunity for anyone who has special interests or hobbies to help small groups of younger children gain some new or fun skills and interests. For more information, contact Robin Davidson at (310) 458-8701.
Youth Sports Volunteer Coach Program
For those young people who have participated in the City’s Youth Sports Program, there are opportunities to volunteer as an assistant coach in our sports leagues during the school year. We have leagues at all elementary and middle schools. Volunteers work closely with one or two coaches and learn how to coach a team and promote positive sportsmanship in younger children. If this is something you are interested in doing, please call Luis Acosta or Eric Johnson at (310) 458-8540.
Sports Experience Camp – Counselor In Training (CIT)
The City has a great camp that runs summer, winter and spring breaks called Sports Experience. There are limited opportunities for young people to become Counselors-In-Training for this camp, which is held at John Adams Middle School. To be a CIT, you need not be an athlete. For more information, please call Luis Acosta or Eric Johnson at (310) 458-8540.
Santa Monica Library
The City of Santa Monica Library, through its Teen Services division, has a Teen Council that meets every other week, and serves as the Library’s youth leadership group. The Library also provides young people opportunities to tutor children in reading both in the summer and school year, and training is provided. The Library appreciates volunteers of all ages to help in the office with mailings, filing and other tasks and to help keep the library neat and organized. For more information, call the Volunteer Office of the Santa Monica Public Library at (310) 458-8646.
Other Opportunities
A few private non-profit agencies in Santa Monica encourage young people who want to be leaders to get involved in their organizations:
The Santa Monica chapter of the American Red Cross, which can be reached at (310) 394-3773, encourages young people to get involved in their mentorship program, office work, community fairs and more.
The Santa Monica Animal Shelter also has great opportunities for young animal lovers to get involved, and can be reached at (310) 458-8594.
Heal the Bay may be appealing to young environmentally-minded volunteers. Tom Galassi, the volunteer coordinator, can be reached at (310) 453-0395.
The Santa Monica based County Beach Junior Lifeguard Program offers training and opportunities for youth as young as 13 years of age. Call (310) 939-7214.
The City’s Police Department runs a leadership Junior Police Academy for youth’ for more information call (310) 458-2222.
For more information on City of Santa Monica programs, resources and opportunities, please check the City’s website at or call the City’s Human Services Division at (310) 458.8701 for more information and assistance.