What would the world be like if there were no women?
If you think about everything your mom does everyday for you, there would be many things. Know think about every mom and what they do for their children, and add every other woman including girls of all ages. In the world there are more women/girls than boys, so imagine about two thirds of the world’s population gone. How would the men ever survive by themselves? There are many great girls and women in the world that we look up to, one great example is our mom’s. Imagine a whole year without any mother’s, how would the world be impacted, well I think there would be disasters and no control of people. Imagine if Harriet Tubman didn’t help the slaves escape, would the world still be the same now? Think about Hilary Clinton, if she never ran for president would there ever be a brave woman to do so? What if Susan B. Anthony never spoke up for women would we ever have that right to vote? (Susan B. Anthony wrote the “Susan B. Anthony amendment”, and after she died, it became the 19th amendment, and it gave women the right to vote)
Think of all these women who did the right thing for the future, there are many more famous women that have done good for this world, and not all of them are famous. You never know you might be the next women to do something like these women have done for us. You probably haven’t noticed but I bet you have done something great already. Always follow what you want and never give up.
By Elisa
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