Why do girls change who they are?
Some girls’ stay who they are, but there are some that change and become someone you don’t recognize. Those girls don’t realize this but it happens. But others do, such as parents and friends. Parents think it might be just to fit in and be cool to blend in with the crowd. While others think its because there friends are bad influence and force them to be something their not. And some, as I might say is sad, think it’s because they’re taking drugs. In school you meet new friends and have old friends, but sometimes when you make new friends they might be different from you. So you might think in order to be friends forever or as we say it “ BFFL” you have to change your style and change you personality. Like having attitude or talking slang or “ghetto” to be part of the group. But the problem is while your trying to be cool and be friends with a new person you don’t realize your hurting your true friends and your family. Of course you don’t realize this and think your friends are just jealous because you have a new friend, but sometimes its not. It’s because your so focus of tying to act cool and belong you don’t realize how your acting towards your fiends. But, don’t get me wrong, some girls don’t change at all and if they do its not bad. But there are some that change completely and the people that are your true friends and family realize you’re different. But sometimes this happens because a girl is going through changes and getting older so your trying to figure out who you want to be. But some only change to be “cool” or be like everyone else. While your becoming someone different to be included you might hear people say “ oh my god! You’ve change so much!” in a good way. But then there’s the bad way were people don’t like that you change. You might be thinking in your head “ I haven’t change” But if you just take a second and look in the mirror and think of what people been saying, you will realize you have changed. But all I’m trying to say is, if your trying to change who you are to become someone friend or just be consider “ cool” their not your true friend because they don’t like you for who you are. The people that are your friends for you are your true friends. The reason why I know this is because I have experience this and all I’m saying is if your in elementary be prepared for middle school because its full of drama and emotion. Middle school is like a rollercoaster, sometimes your up and sometimes your down.
By Rebecca
omg soo truee!!!
middle school is full of drama:)<3
omg soo truee!!!
middle school is full of drama:)<3
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