If you are ever wondering what movie to watch I would recommend you Gracie. If you haven’t heard about the movie I will tell you about it. Gracie is a movie about a young girl who likes to play soccer. She doesn’t play for a team, but she would like to, one day her brother is in a car accident and dies. Her brother was the best player on his Varsity high school team, and they need a good player to take his spot. Gracie tells her dad she will take her brother’s spot, but her dad doesn’t believe she is capable to play in an all boys team. After hours of serious talking with her dad, he tells her she will tryout for the team, but she will have to train a lot. When she try’s out for the team she makes it, but it was not easy, the boy’s in her team would treat her bad, they would push her to the ground hard so she wouldn’t be able to get up. Gracie was very strong and would get up and keep playing hard. This movie is rated PG-13, but it is a very good inspiring movie. If you want to find out what happens at the end you should watch it.
By Elisa